Sunday, March 27, 2011

The interior is mostly painted

Last weekend, ended up being busy with some work stuff. So I took a couple days off this week and wrapped up a couple items on the car. I finished masking the car for painting the interior.

I then shot a coat of primer. Using a full size spray gun on the interior of a small car, that has since had a series of bars, etc installed to make the spaces even smaller, is no small feat. I then shot a second round of primer to get the spots that I missed previously.

After allowing about 24 hours to dry (its 55 degrees in the shop) it certainly does not dry quickly, I then shot my first coat of gray. The primer was white, so I had a pretty good idea what the interior looks like in white, and I have to say it looks dirty, even painted. So the gray really looks nice. I need to shoot another coat of gray, again to get the spots I missed. I will let this coat dry some time longer. I will shoot another coat tomorrow. I first have to round up another quart of paint. I will get some photos tomorrow.

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