Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas, and the cage is almost done

Yesterday I was able to weld in most of the cage. I took a couple breaks throughout the day so I probably could have got it done yesterday. I have to weld the dash bar, roof diagonal, and the 1.5 of the firewall tubes to the firewall.

I will finish up tomorrow AM and post some photos.

So, as this portion of the project comes to a close I have been reviewing my previous schedule and realise that I am way behind schedule. I am regrouping on what to do next. Now that the portion that I feared most is coming to an end, its nice to see that some projects that I am comfortable with are coming up next.

Once the car is back on the ground, I will be starting the suspension, brakes, steering, etc.

After that will be engine maintenance, etc.

Once this is done we will be painting the interior. It may actually happen before. I will see how the weather cooperates.

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