Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Another leak update

After a couple quick conversations with people, I was talked into trying a couple things.

Since the transmission is leaking at the case seams its not an easy fix. Since the transmission is not pressurized, I was talked into trying to neatly seal it from the outside. All I really have to lose is about 3 dollars of Permatex ultra black. I partially applied some last night. Surprisingly today there appeared to only be a little oil and it actually made it much easier to see where it was leaking. Passenger side probably close to the height where the top of the oil sits. I had not applied any sealant to this area yet. I applied sealant to this area today. We will see tomorrow.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Leak update

After cleaning, running, etc. It has become apparent that the leaks are from the seams of the case on the transmission. I do not see any oil coming from the engine which is reassuring. The leak location on the transmission is strange from everything I have read. However, I am 95% certain that this is where it is leaking from.

I have a few things to try on the transmission before writing it off. First, I am going to re-torque the case through bolts. Before doing that, I am also going to remove them one at a time and reapply the sealant which is supposed to be on the bolts.

The nice thing is the oil in the transmission is not under much pressure. Its simply being flung around by the spinning internal parts. This may be the transmissions saving grace.

Saturday, July 2, 2011


So, when I purchased the car I knew it had at least one leak. I recently changed the CAS o-ring. I noticed after my drive last weekend that it appeared that is still some oil underneath. Not being sure if this was residual or new, I decided that I needed to do a thorough cleaning underneath. This morning I spend a decent amount of time cleaning the back of the engine, the oil pan, the transmission. There was nothing very notable after running it for a little while. I am leaving it up on jack stands for a while to check again tomorrow. While I have it up I have a few other things I would like to do.

- Quickly check the wheel bearings
- Re-bleed the brakes.
- Address the leaks I find
- Seal/Paint the opposite sides of the roll cage mounts.
- Fix the opposite adjusters on the passenger side rear.